A joint letter was sent to Congress and the administration from: America’s Health Insurance Plans, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Benefits Council, American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Federation of American Hospitals, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Several organizations sent a letter to Congress and the administration, urging them to take quick action to ensure that cost-sharing reduction subsidies are funded, in the interest of stabilizing the individual health care market.
ÐÜèÊÓƵ 7 million low- and modest-income people depend on CSRs to reduce their deductibles, co-payments or out-of-pocket costs. Without CSRs, health care coverage will be out of reach for them. Plans will likely drop out of the market. Premiums will go up for everyone. Costs will go up for taxpayers. And doctors and hospitals, foundational to their communities, will see even greater strains on their ability to care for people.
These organizations represent a variety of stakeholders – from health plans, to doctors and hospitals, to employers. While each of these stakeholders has its own perspective on how to approach health care reform, they all agree that every American deserves affordable coverage and high-quality care. As part of that commitment, they agree that funding CSRs is in the best interest of patients, providers and taxpayers.
ÐÜèÊÓƵhas continued to engage with Congress and the Administration on our recommendations for improving health care reform, and we remain committed to working alongside them in their pursuit of a better health care system. Certainty about CSRs is essential as plans make their decisions about market participation and premiums for 2018. We encourage Congress to take swift action.
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Read the joint CSR letter to