Washington, D.C. – April 4, 2022 – Matt Eyles, President and CEO of AHIP, issued this statement as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) begins covering up to 8 over-the-counter COVID-19 tests per month for people with Part B benefits who are enrolled in Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage, at no cost to the consumer:
“As Americans return to more normal day-to-day routines, regular testing remains essential to identify potential new strains and avoid new surges of the virus. We applaud CMS for providing access to free over-the-counter COVID-19 tests through Medicare Part B during the public health emergency. This is an important part of the solution – coupled with vaccines and boosters – to ensure equitable access to tests and treatment, and to support continued vigilance as we work together to end the pandemic.”
Learn more about how health insurance providers continue to take decisive actions to ensure that Americans have access to the testing, treatment, and vaccines they need.
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